Silhouette Art in Metal

There are many companies supplying mass produced and cheap silhouette art which sells for a few dollars but the very best silhouette metal art can fetch many thousands of pounds if crafted by a respected designer.

One such artist hand crafting silhouettes in metal is the very private Danish designer Olav Sorensen. In silhouette art circles he is the equivalent of Banksy. If he agrees to create a commission for you then you are honoured. David Beckham, Michael Jordan, and even a former president are reputedly clients. He creates original commissions for clients and companies worldwide, with some costing upwards of US$500,000. Olav specialises in portraits, pets, sporting scenes and sports icons using steel, copper and bronze. More information at

Olav Sorensen

Silhouette art in paper

Silhouette artists can also use paper and scissors to create portraits with even the finest details being captured with great skill in front of your eyes. Silhouette artists practising this age old art will cut their silhouettes as walkaround entertainment at parties, weddings, and corporate events. It is a highly entertaining skill to watch.

Paper silhouette artists

Probably one of the best silhouette artists in the world today is Charles Burns. Charles can attend your function, with other silhouette artists if required, to entertain your guests for all or part of the evening.

Roving Artist

Another very good silhouette artist is ‘Silhouette Sarah’. Since 1999 she has been cutting silhouettes at prestigious events, weddings and parties. Celebrities including Gwyneth Paltrow, Holly Willoughby, Nick Knowles and even Stephen Hawkins have had their silhouettes cut out by Sarah. She is definitely recommended if you need to entertain your guests at an event or party.

Silhouette Sarah


© 2025 Silhouette Artists

Website by Yello Media